why we suggest NBR rubber head for essential oil bottles?

why we suggest NBR rubber head for essential oil bottles?


NBR (Nitrile Butadiene Rubber) rubber heads are commonly suggested for essential oil bottles due to their beneficial properties. Here are some reasons why NBR rubber heads are often recommended:

1. Chemical resistance: NBR rubber has excellent resistance to a wide range of chemicals, including essential oils. This makes it an ideal choice for essential oil glass bottles as it will not react with the oils or cause any degradation of the rubber head.

2. Airtight seal: NBR rubber heads provide a reliable and airtight seal when combined with the essential oil glass bottle orifice or dropper. This prevents leakage and helps to preserve the integrity of the essential oils by minimizing exposure to air.

boston glass dropper bottle

3. Easy dispensing: NBR rubber heads are flexible and provide a good balance between hardness and softness. This allows for easy and controlled dispensing of the essential oils, whether it is through a dropper or a traditional cap.

4. Durability: NBR rubber is known for its durability and resistance to wear and tear. It can withstand frequent use and handling without easily deteriorating or deforming. This ensures that the rubber head maintains its functionality over time.

matte glass dropper bottle for essential oil

5. Cost-effective: NBR rubber is generally cost-effective compared to other rubber materials, making it a practical choice for essential oil glass bottle packaging manufacturers and suppliers.

It’s worth noting that NBR rubber may not be suitable for all types of essential oils. Some highly volatile or aggressive oils may require specialized materials. It’s essential to consult with a supplier or manufacturer to ensure compatibility between the rubber head material and the specific essential oil you are using.

Remember that in addition to using suitable rubber heads, it’s important to store essential oils in dark-colored glass bottles with airtight seals to protect them from light and air exposure, which can compromise their quality.

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